Friday, May 19, 2017

Thunderstorm Art Project for Preschoolers

Incorporate this thunderstorm process art project into your collection of weather activities for kids! This stormy art activity is made using paints and construction paper and is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners. Such a fun way to explore color mixing!

Theo, my preschooler, has been very interested in colors. Recently, he asked me why the color gray wasn’t  in the rainbow and where it came from. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for some color mixing!

We got out our black and white tempera paints to explore making different shades of gray. We decided our gray paintings looked just like storm clouds, so we added some raindrops and lightning bolts to make these thunderstorm collages!

Materials for Thunderstorm Art

  • Black and white tempera paint (This is my favorite tempera paint.)
  • Paint brushes (This is a nice set for little hands.)
  • White art paper
  • Construction paper in blue and yellow
  • Scissors
  • Liquid glue

Directions for Thunderstorm Art

1. Place some black and white tempera paint onto a paper plate (or any other container for holding paint). mixing black and white tempera paint to make gray Superman Coloring Pages

2. Have your child use a paint brush to paint with both the white and black tempera paint on his/her paper.
mixing black and white paint to make gray. Theo loved exploring all the different shades of gray he could make right on his paper. Paint your entire paper gray.

3. Cut out some blue raindrops and yellowing lightning bolts from construction paper. Glue them to your gray painting to create a thunderstorm!

If your paint is still pretty wet, you can just press the paper pieces right onto the paint. When the paint dries it will hold them in place. Since our paint was already beginning to dry, we used liquid glue to glue our raindrops and lightning bolts onto our paper.

Let your painting dry, and hang it up to enjoy!

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